Monday, September 29, 2008

Weekend of 9/27-9/28

On Saturday, my Lolo, Lola, and Tita Lizzie came by to visit. On Sunday, we went on a trip to the mall and then I started crying so we had to go home.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Grandma's Visit

Grandma Cody visited me today and she has not seen me for almost 3 weeks!!! She thought that I got a lot bigger. She fed me my bottle today and had a chance to see me chug it down. I love my bottle! She also played with me and I gave her a smile. She loved that a lot. She said she can't wait to see me again.

Bath time

Here I am enjoying my bath. Did you know that I love the sound of running water? Sometimes it's the only thing that stops me from crying.

A visit from Aunt Wendi and Uncle Doug

Aunt Wendi and Uncle Doug came for a visit and brought me an outfit. The shirt said, "Bears training camp." I can wear it on Sundays when I watch football with my dad.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Look at those big brown eyes

Can you believe it? Kyle actually has his eyes open in these pictures. For the last couple of days, he's been awake for 2-3 hours, checking out things around him. He especially likes bright lights.

Bath time

Here's a happy baby after a bath.

Elmo and Kyle

I love my elmo toy!

Dad and I

Here's Dad and I just hanging out.

Sweet Dreams in my boppy

Here's Kyle napping on his boppy.

Lolo and Lola

These are my happy grandparents who was surprised how different I looked after 2 weeks.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008